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Okay! We're about to reboot into a new year in a few weeks. If you're like most at this time, you're most likely going to have some down time. If you don't want that time to be spent picking the lint out of your belly button or watching the ceiling fan above your bed rotate for a few hours day after day, you may want to take a moment and start the new year with a stronger personal foundation.
I'm putting out a huge request to you that I know you'll benefit from. It's an end of year bonus that you can gift yourself with little or no effort. The boost that you'll get by this gift is one that many pass up, yet the energy you'll receive is well worth it.
So we really don't make light of the gift, let's first ask a few questions. 1) How would you feel about yourself if you had something placed smack dab in front of your face saying something great about "you?" 2) How would you feel about knowing you made a difference by just hanging around for the last 365 days? 3) What kind of motivation would it create within you if you knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt that your world is moving forward in the right direction.
These are serious questions and I hope that you're taking the time to explore them and not just read the text before you without any thought. Go ahead and invest in your "self." Aren't you worth it?
Do you find this concept "provoking?" Care to read more? Want to take action that will "provoke your success?" This and fifty-seven more chapters designed to provoke your success can be found here.
Coach John S. Nagy is CEO and Lead Business Coach for Coaching for Success. Inc., a Business Coaching Service specifically designed for top level decision makers dedicated to peak performance in all facets of their activities. He's hired to focus them continuously in activities that bring higher returns on their resource use. His programs are for the seriously committed. This means having his clients work "ON" their businesses, not just "IN" it. He's a published author and a multi-degree professional with a nationwide client base. Coach Nagy can be reached through his E-mail address at his website at and by calling 813-949-0718.
Copyright © 1999-2007 John S. Nagy