I work out in my garden all year round. As I do ever year, I assess those things in the garden that have really added value to the overall look and feel of the yard. Years ago I learned something that has brought great value to my ability to assess such thing. It came to me when I noticed a hanging plant coming onto a fellow worker's office.
The thing that I saw immediately about it was that the plant had some very shiny green leaves. They were also very big. What caught my attention was it's overall health. The very same type of plant was hanging in my home. It did not have the same greenness or fullness that this co-worker's plant had. It got me thinking.
My plant at home was cared for the best way I knew how. It was a vine-type plant. I was forever taking the new vine growth and looping them around and around the pot from which it was growing. It was sad looking compared with the one at the office. Even the number of leaves was sparse compared with the amount of vine growth in and around the pot.
Thinking about the overall condition of the plant at home got me riled. The original purpose of having it was to have beauty that I could nurture and appreciate. It was no longer serving that purpose. I was in the presence of a weed that took more than it gave.
Next time I was around it I took a clipper to it and cut off about 30 feet of vine growth. I dumped some new soil into the pot after cropping a huge amount of the overgrown root. The plant looked even more pitiful then before. Nevertheless, I figured the loss of all that excess non leafed vine would allow the thing to have a better chance to grow. Boy, was I in for a delightful surprise.
Do you find this concept "provoking?" Care to read more? Want to take action that will "provoke your success?" This and fifty-seven more chapters designed to provoke your success can be found here.
Coach John S. Nagy is CEO and Lead Business Coach for Coaching for Success. Inc., a Business Coaching Service specifically designed for top level decision makers dedicated to peak performance in all facets of their activities. He's hired to focus them continuously in activities that bring higher returns on their resource use. His programs are for the seriously committed. This means having his clients work "ON" their businesses, not just "IN" it. He's a published author and a multi-degree professional with a nationwide client base. Coach Nagy can be reached through his E-mail address at his website at and by calling 813-949-0718.
Copyright © 1999-2007 John S. Nagy